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时间:2024-04-30 14:55:11
1、分开就分开,没有你也许我会变得更好。 I can be better without you. 2、老巷里撑起旧伞,不为赏景只为等你。 Old umbrellas are held up in the old lane, not to enjoy the scenery, but to wait for you. 3、世事轮回,因缘际会,一切皆有定数。 The world reincarnation, karma will, everything has a certain number. 4、爱自己是我的骄傲,丢了自己怎么炫耀。 Love oneself is my pride, how to show off if I lose myself. 5、种如是因,收如是果,一切唯心造。 Seed as a cause, harvest as fruit, everything is made by heart. 6、我还记得,我跟别人炫耀过你。 I remember showing off you to others. 7、时间,带走了你,也带走我的一切。 Time, take away you, also take my everything. 8、可是人生短暂,不要犹豫也不要舍不得。 But life is short. Don't hesitate or give up. 9、先说爱的先不爱,后动心的不死心。 First say that those who love don't love first, and then those who are moved will not give up. 10、老衲曾经回眸一笑,迷得师太神魂颠倒。 I used to look back and smile, which made the Abbess fascinated. 11、人间自是有情痴,此恨无关风与月。 There is love and infatuation in the world. This hatred has nothing to do with the wind and the moon. 12、人生如戏轮回,舞台戏子不悔。 Life is like a play, reincarnation, stage actors do not regret. 13、我把孤独送给天涯,我把余生留给放下。 I give loneliness to the end of the world, I leave the rest of my life to put down. 14、爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。 Love makes people mature or degenerates. 15、开到荼蘼花事了,尘缘尽,知多少。 When it's time for flower affairs to bloom, we'll see how much we know. 16、万顷秋,韶颜已如歌,良人已成梦。 Wanqing autumn, Shaoyan has been like a song, a good man has become a dream. 17、相逢一醉是前缘,风雨散,飘然何处。 Meet a drunk is the front edge, wind and rain scattered, floating where. 18、愿我如星君如月,夜夜流光相皎洁。 I wish I were like the star king and the moon, and the streamer was bright every night. 19、我*一次见到你,就有一种特别的感觉。 The first time I saw you, I had a special feeling. 20、我错过了很多,我总是一个人难过。 I miss a lot and I'm always sad by myself. 21、用我三生烟火,换你一世迷离。 With my three fireworks, for your life blurred. 22、生能尽欢,死亦无憾。 If you can live happily, you can die without regret. 23、一只风筝,一生永远只为一根线冒险。 A kite, a lifetime only for a line adventure. 24、你的良辰美景,是我的穷途末路。 Your beautiful scenery is my last resort. 25、不怕输的人很勇敢,不将就的人很好看。 He who is not afraid of losing is the bravest, and the one who doesn't make up for it is the best. 26、一无所知的世界,走下去,才有惊喜。 Unknown world, go down, only have a surprise. 27、原来我的世界,是这样的简单明了。 It turns out that my world is so simple and clear. 28、夜阑卧听风吹雨,铁马冰河入梦来。 Night lie listening to the wind and rain, iron horse glacier dream. 29、陌上伊人夜独醉,何人轻拭相思泪。 On the street, the night alone drunk, who gently wipe Acacia tears. 30、那首情歌有关风月,却无关你我。 That love song is about wind and moon, but not about you and me. 31、风华是一指流砂,苍老是一段年华。 Fenghua refers to quicksand, old is a period of time. 32、短亭短,红尘辗,我把萧再叹。 The short Pavilion is short, the world of mortals rolled, I sigh again. 33、往日情怀酿作酒,换我余生长醉不复忧。 In the past, the feelings of brewing wine, for my growth drunk no longer worry. 34、给足了甜头之后的冷漠,才是很伤人的。 Give enough sweet after the indifference, is the most hurtful. 35、饮月千尺,寂夜成相思,难挥情丝一缕。 Drink a thousand feet, silent night into Acacia, difficult to wave a wisp of love. 36、敬你岁月无波澜,敬我余生不悲欢。 I don't care for you. 37、你饮花中酒不醉,我寻月下人不归。 If you don't get drunk when you drink wine in flowers, I don't go back when I look for people under the moon. 38、何其有幸为你所依,何其不幸被你所弃。 How lucky you are to rely on, how unfortunate to be abandoned by you. 39、物是人非事事休,欲语泪先流。 Things and people are different. Everything stops. Tears flow first if you want to talk. 40、海到尽头天作岸,山登绝顶我为峰。 At the end of the sea, the sky is the shore, the mountain is the top, I am the peak. 41、没有永远的朋友,更没有永远的敌人。 There are no forever friends, not to mention eternal enemies. 42、等你来,海角天涯,和我一起山花浪漫。 Waiting for you to come, the ends of the earth, together with me mountain flower romance. 43、你喜欢的那个人,就是你赤裸裸的品位。 The person you like is your naked taste. 44、蒹葭霜霜一白露,万盏灯火为谁留。 Jianjia frost a white dew, thousands of lights for who to stay. 45、海边微风起,等风也等你。 The breeze on the beach will wait for you. 46、陪你到地久天长,是我很美好的奢望。 Accompany you to forever, is my most beautiful extravagant hope. 47、朝颜暮雪三千丝,无非情深人自痴。 Morning and evening snow 3000 silk, nothing more than love, people from infatuation. 48、谁应了谁的劫,谁又变成了谁的执念。 Who should be robbed by others becomes the obsession of others. 49、能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间。 Can wash all but tears, is time. 50、我知道天下事,却独独不知道你的心。 I know everything in the world, but I don't know your heart. 51、你说你看不到未来在哪里,那就交给我。 If you say you can't see where the future is, leave it to me. 52、泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。 Tears asked flowers do not speak, red flying over the swing. 53、记着,还有人在牵挂你,壹切都会好的。 Remember, there are people concerned about you, everything will be OK. 54、泛泛之辈,哪来的那么多故事陪衬青春。 Ordinary people, how come so many stories to foil youth. 55、月下举杯、邀花共饮。渐迷离、清红尘。 Under the moon, drink with flowers. Gradually blurred, clear the world. 56、你从未属于过我,我又何必强求你留下。 You have never belonged to me. Why should I ask you to stay. 57、花落水流红,闲愁万种,无语怨东风。 The flowers fall, the water is red, and there is no language to complain about the east wind.





